The first Sunday of every month is a Flea Market at Pasadena City College. Chris and I try to get there often and when we do we always leave with a cart full of fun stuff. This time we decided to bring the boy. Can he handle a Flea Market? This child is impatient like most 5 yr olds are and he can't really let you enjoy an hour or two of your favorite things so why would I torture myself?
We gave the boy his favorite shark made in China by way of Paris and told him we were going to a Flea Market. He seemed excited but "What's a Flea Market?" well Maxwell you will soon find out. Several cool things about this Flea Market are it's free and most of it is in a 4 story parking garage. So we started out at 10am straight to the parking garage and boy was he surprised. When you look at something you do often from a child's point of view you see things quite differently and suddenly there were toys everywhere! Funny how I'd never noticed them.

Maxwell and shark walking to the flea market. Chris and cart passing the rootbeer float table

Maxwell checking out the Star Wars toys and making a $2 purchase

Chris in the $2 record bin and what does he find? My favorite album!
At the end of the day Maxwell spent $5, Chris spent $16 and I strangely enough spent $0.
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